So, I had big plans last night when I went to bed. I wanted to hike the 4 miles to Lawn Lake and see Bridal Veil Falls as well. But… I woke up in the morning after a fitful night’s sleep in the below freezing weather sore and without energy. After an hour’s hike down to my car (you move a lot slower when the terrain is difficult) and a breakfast of pop-tarts and dry Cheerio’s knock-offs didn’t do a whole lot to improve my mood. But, I had to press on. My first stop was the Alluvial Fan waterfall that I stopped at yesterday afternoon. While I was waiting for people to clear out so I could take a picture, a trio of bighorn sheep appeared, which of course, required a series of pictures to be taken.
By this point, I was feeling better and was looking for a shorter than 12 mile hike to Bridal Veil Falls; as I found out though, the only apparent easy way to get there is via a private road. So, that was put off and I headed to Alberta Falls. A short hike while keeping my eyes open for a missing child later and I got a couple excellent shots. At that point it was again time to head back to camp and the painful 2.5 mile walk back to camp.