Ever since I moved up to Alaska people have been telling me the exact same thing: “You need to get a sled dog!”
Well, I’ve got to say, it’s been a year coming, but it’s finally happened! Today, Thunder, from Bruce Linton’s kennel arrived on Cessna a 207. Thunder is an 8 year old, and due to the generally long lifespans of sled dogs, we expect to have him another 8-10 years.
He’s gorgeous! I must ask though, what does Toes think of her new roomie? ;-) I know when we got our first dog, our cat did not approve. 7 years later, they are just now beginning to warm up to each other.
Good luck with Thunder! I’m way way way jealous. You have no idea.
Well, the cat still isn’t cuddling up to him, but the dog doesn’t mind and isn’t pushy about introducing himself.