Summer 2008 Trip: Day 38 – Glacier National Park

Woke up this morning and after an attempt to make edible pancakes, we got started driving down Going-to-the-Sun Road. We stopped a few miles in and hiked out to Avalanche Lake, which was absolutely gorgeous. You step right up to the edge of the lake and it is ringed with mountains, and down each mountain there is at least one waterfall caused by glacial melt. It’s absolutely amazing.

We popped back onto the road and drove through the mountains; Going-to-the-Sun Road is described as one of the most beautiful scenic highways in the world, and I will completely agree with that. The road through Rocky Mountain National Park doesn’t even come close. In one section, four or five waterfalls are right at the side of the road and your car gets sprayed as you drive by. It is absolutely amazing.

We also hiked down to Baring Falls, where Sarah left me to hike to St. Mary Falls and Virginia Falls while I set up my picture, waited for people to clear out and the right light to hit the scene. After I had a few shots I was reasonably satisfied with, I hiked back up the path and took a few shots of Sunrift Gorge before heading to the St. Mary Falls trailhead to wait around and pick Sarah up.

Then we headed down what was left of the highway, swinging by Sun Point for some pictures (I’ll be going back there to shoot sunrise). Now… camp is set up, food has been eaten and I’m headed to bed.

Day 38 - Going-to-the-Sun Road, Glacier National Park

Travel Distance: 50 miles, plus 5.5 on foot

Summer 2008 Trip: Day 37 – Butte, MT to Glacier National Park

First of all, let me just say that the fireworks in Butte, MT on the 4th of July are simply fantastic. It is probably the best show I’ve ever seen. Oh, and the fireworks the city launched were nice.

Apparently, in Butte, you’re allowed to buy pretty much whatever you want. For almost four hours last night, I watched fireworks launch over the entire city in the middle of an on again – off again thunderstorm. I sat at the top of a hill in the middle of the city and turned around in a 360; fireworks were going off in every direction.

But, this is supposed to be about today…

Got up and had camp broken by 7:30 this morning, even though that did mean a wet tent was placed in the car. That’s all right though, because after two hours of standing around waiting, I got to see Barack Obama from about 60 feet away and I have a little over 100 pictures of him on my camera. Now, I’m not an Obama fanboy, but if he wins the presidency, I’ll be able to tell my kids that I saw him in person, at the 4th of July parade in Butte, MT. And that will be cool.

We packed it in pretty quick at the parade, Obama made a quick speech, basically apologizing for not walking (because he didn’t want to put undue security restrictions on the entire route – the section I was in had to pass through metal detectors) and wished everyone a Happy 4th. With that, Sarah and I made for the car, not wanting to endure an hour of fighting traffic to get out of town. We made it after some wandering driving and found an on-ramp to the interstate not blocked by the parade route and it was off… for a lot of time driving.

There is one thing I’ve noticed about drivers in Montana; unlike in Michigan where the speed limit is viewed as the minimum speed one should drive, here it seems that people actually take it as the LIMIT. It’s a very odd sensation to be driving in a 75 mph zone and pass people doing 72 mph. It’s a new concept, as is the 70 mph undivided 2 lane highways that are prevalent in the state.

But, anyways, we’re settled into a campground for the night, have three days of activities outlined and then on Tuesday, I start my 2.3 thousand mile trek back to my parents via Devil’s Tower in Wyoming and the Badlands in South Dakota.

Day 37 - Butte to Glacier National Park

Travel Distance: 250 miles

Summer 2008 Trip: Day 36 – Butte, MT

Unfortunately for my plans of making it to Glacier today, two articles I saw in the morning paper here changed my plans. First, the fireworks show for the Fourth of July is tonight and second, Barack Obama is going to be in Butte’s Fourth of July parade at 10am in the morning. So, plans changed, and I’ve got a tent pitched at Lowlands campground in Beaverhead – Deerlodge National Forest to crawl into after the fireworks show. My plans are to wake up at 7am and hit the road into town and clear the metal detectors to get a spot close along the route to shoot pictures from. I imagine the Secret Service will have a field day with my camera bag.

After we made that decision, we hit a couple sporting goods stores to find some hiking boots for Sarah, watched Hancock at the local cinema (loved the movie – Will Smith is definitely becoming one of my all-time favorite actors) and attempted to explore some museums around town. Sadly, it seems like most of the town had closed up shop a day early for the holiday weekend.

Rookwood Speakeasy Museum was closed, Myra Brothel Museum was closed and we couldn’t find the local art gallery. However, Charles Clark Chateau museum was open and we toured a turn of the 1900s private mansion turned museum. Cool place, octagonal rooms, library and ballroom included.

So… now, we’re sitting in a thunderstorm, two hours before the the fireworks show is scheduled to take place waiting for it to clear off and hear whether or not it will actually happen. And when I say thunderstorm… at its peak a few moments ago, I couldn’t see out the car windows.

Travel Distance: 75 miles around Butte, MT