Where did the last three weeks go?

School is starting tomorrow, so I figured I should do a recap of my fantastic break.

The first week involved bouncing back and forth between my parents’ place and East Lansing (where Melissa lives). Melissa and I then headed to Houghton for New Years and I spent the week showing her the local sites.

Day 15

Day 21 - Happy New Years!

Hungarian Falls-2006-7

She headed home on the 6th, and I spent the next week substitute teaching in one of the local schools. I got to make my own lesson plans and write my own tests, so that was absolutely incredible. The kids were great, I can’t believe they paid me for it.

Day 32 - Teaching

Wow… it’s amazing how quickly I can distill three weeks of my life into a couple paragraphs.

P.S. I’m still going strong on my 365 Days project at Day 36.

School is winding down

Now that the semester is coming to a close, I’ve got time to breathe again and consequently, take some pictures.

Tim and I got out the other night to shoot a couple pictures of Houghton’s lift bridge. A couple nights later, we headed out to a remote area of the Keweenaw called Misery Bay to take photos of the Northern Lights.

While we didn’t get to see them, we did take the time to shoot some star trails. Unfortunately, the heat from the CCD (image sensor) in my DSLR showed up on the images I took, effectively ruining them (I’m going to see what I can do with cropping so that I have something to show for the trip). It was still really good time and we’re going to try to get back out once this cloud cover lifts.

Lift Bridge - 11 December 2006 - 2

Back home!

Well, I’ve made it back home and it is time for the obligatory picture post.

Once I got down to East Lansing, Jess (Tim’s girlfriend) and Melissa took me on a tour of Michigan State University’s campus, it was a really good time (the campus was nice too…)

MSU Campus-2006-13

Once I made it to my parents’ house, I got to spend a good bit of the week deer hunting (no, I didn’t get any this year; in fact, I didn’t see any bucks).

It was a great vacation, and I can’t wait to head back downstate in a month. School has begun to get very tedious.