Enjoying the Stay-cation

Alaska is many things to many people. It can be a home, a vacation spot, a place to escape, a place to work; it can be a summer wonderland or the winter doldrums. Over the last year and a half, I’ve experienced a lot of the different types of Alaska. From busy Anchorage, laid-back Fairbanks, placid Kenai, old-town Nome and the isolated Bush, I’ve seen a lot.

A lot of people would assume that life in the Bush is laid back – there’s no rat race, no malls, not even a supermarket to get lost in. While some people may find that kind of life out here, my time seems to be mostly spent at work. Last year, I literally lived at work and while my commute has lengthened by a wonderful 40 or so yards this year, I still spend 55+ hours a week working in the school.

That’s why for Christmas this year, I was secretly pleased that we would be spending a week and a half in Koyuk. No long flights, no frantic trips to the mall and no reason to get out of bed if I don’t want to. It has been my first opportunity to experience the slower pace of life that not having a road that goes anywhere can offer. Time to enjoy it while I can – school starts back up on Monday.


A new addition to the family

Ever since I moved up to Alaska people have been telling me the exact same thing: “You need to get a sled dog!”

Well, I’ve got to say, it’s been a year coming, but it’s finally happened! Today, Thunder, from Bruce Linton’s kennel arrived on Cessna a 207. Thunder is an 8 year old, and due to the generally long lifespans of sled dogs, we expect to have him another 8-10 years.

Enough talk though, here’s some pictures.