I’m a horrible blogger…

Yes, I know that it’s been three months since I last blogged. I figured most of you didn’t care to know the details of student teaching. Good news is, I finish up in two more weeks. The bad news: I still don’t have a job confirmed after graduation. One thing at a time I suppose.

The sports seasons at Michigan Tech are pretty well wrapped up now, so I’m starting to get back into more non-sports photography. Sunday I headed down to the Lower Peninsula and came home with this photo:

Shoe Tree

New Photo Gallery

Well, I’ve finally set up a gallery of some of my best/favorite photos and I’ll be actively adding new ones. I’m currently running it using Pixelpost and am looking at integrating some sort of service to sell photos.

Check it out at: https://photos.kyleschneider.net. Feel free to make suggestions.

P.S. I know it’s a bit slow, it runs over my home DSL currently.

Help me plan a trip…

I was talking to my mom last night and she inadvertently convinced me that I should take a trip touring the western half of the U.S. this summer. Me, my camera gear, a GPS, my laptop, a sleeping bag and my car. I would probably be leaving from southern Michigan as early as May or as late as June and return sometime in August. Since I’m poor and gas alone will probably eat through my savings, I’ll be camping and relying on truck stops and laundromats to keep from turning into someone who looks like the unibomber.

Anyways, this is the part where you come in. I need help figuring out where to go. I’m gonna take a couple months and move at my leisure but I only have a few locations on my itinerary so far. If you can think of somewhere else I should visit, leave me a comment. If you’re willing to offer a couch, a shower or access to a laundry machine, leave me a comment.

So far, my trip looks like this (in no particular order):

  • Visit a friend in Ohio
  • Visit a friend in Iowa
  • Visit my brother in Utah
  • The Grand Canyon, AZ
  • Monument Valley, UT/AZ
  • Glacier National Park, MT
  • Grand Teton National Park, WY
  • Badlands National Park, SD
  • Mount Rushmore, SD
  • P.S. Please comment at my blog instead of whatever feed you may be reading this on.

    Calling all Photographers

    I could use some advice on the following image (my first attempt at in-city long exposures involving headlights).

    Night Photography attempt

    The street lamps are hard to white balance as I assumed them to be sodium vapor, but that really threw off the colors. Also, there’s some light distortion (see the note on the flickr page) and the car headlights appear to be blown.

    Thoughts? Suggestions?

    One less deer in the world

    We’ll see if the insurance company will total it or not.

    Deer Collision
    Deer Collision
    Deer Collision
    Deer Collision

    EDIT: No, I didn’t keep it… it was far too banged up to get much good meat from it. (In case you can’t tell, it was a 4 point with velvet still on the horns.)