Busy is my new middle name

This summer has been pretty hectic, since the beginning of May, I picked up a second job at Pat’s Foods in Hancock working their trucks two mornings a week. On top of that, I’m still putting in hours at Resnet and am taking a class (World Resources and Developement) at Tech.

After the first couple weeks work has been interesting at Resnet (the first two weeks were full of the tedious process of disconnecting nearly 2000 users by hand). Since then, I’ve been installing and configuring Xubuntu on an old K6 laptop we have at the office. All I have left on that project is a couple networking scripts and setting up sudo access for a few commands for the user.

My other project has been setting up BackupPC for the office. Since this is something that I’ve been wanting to do for a while now, I decided that the proper way to learn and test the program would be to isntall it on my home network to learn the configuration files. After a run-in with an rsync error I got it all set up and will be installing it in the office at the begining of the week.

Somehow I’ve even managed to find some free time and this weekend I’ll be going out to see some waterfalls. Life is good.

School’s Out For the Summer!

Well… not so much, I get a week break before summer session starts up. It’s been a pretty busy week for me, and I’ve not been getting enough sleep, but that should be rectified pretty shortly. I’m telling myself that it is going to be another gorgeous summer in Houghton.

My brother graduated yesterday and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Air Force. In the beginning of June he’ll be in Texas. It’s a long haul from Houghton, that’s for sure.

Today I’m going to get busy cleaning the house, I’d like to take my time doing it, rather than hurrying through it at the end of May.

I’ve a few summer plans, we’ll see how they pan out:

  • Re-learn Calculus.
  • Work (Resnet and probably someplace else).
  • Get As in my two classes at Tech.
  • Read a few of my history books that I’ve not had time to.
  • Catch up on my news magazines.
  • Barbeque… a lot.
  • Buy a pistol or high-end digital camera, I’m undecided.
  • Penguicon 4.0

    After 10 hours in the car, we (5 other MTU LUGers and myself) made it to Livonia and checked into the hotel and got our badges. The night started off pretty well after I found the Ars room (Penguicon is an annual gathering for a number of the Arstechnica #linux people).

    It was good to see all the people I’d been talking to online for a couple of years for the first time (with a couple of exceptions, a number were at Penguicon 2.0, which I attended). Kattni, tm, road, uberkludge, docah, Adam, Jorge, Kyle Rankin, evarlast, Flav, Glenn, mmx, Bill, JohnF, and a few others made it out and many of them presented (I filled in for a missing presenter on the Sun Ray and thin client panel); overall, we filled probably 90% of the programming in our room.

    Talks ranged from mono, DVD authoring with Linux, Ubuntu, Knoppix, thin clients, PHP application security, security fundamentals, SSL to backupPC. The quality of the presentations was excellent, and though I didn’t get around to see many of the other presentations I heard that they weren’t nearly as good as the ones the Ars crew put on (a notable exception in my mind is the Keynote presentation put on by a guy from Google).

    It was most certainly a good time, and I really look forward to coming back next year. I’ve known these guys for a while now, and any get together promises high quality conversation (geeky and non) and a chance to make it to restaurants I never would have before.

    Happy Easter!

    Happy Easter to everyone, it’s been a very good one for me. We started work on Easter dinner about 11am this morning and ate at 2pm. Phill, Rae, Brian, Peter, Jon, Betsy and I feasted on ham, dinner rolls, crescent rolls, cole slaw, potato salad, mashed potatoes (10lbs of them!), corn, zucchini bread, strawberry short cake, and deviled eggs. It was quite the feast.


    Late Night at School

    Well, it’s 7:54am and I think I just finished the rough draft of my research paper for Social Problems that is due today (and not Thursday like I thought). It’s been a long time since I’ve pulled an all-nighter and I’m able to take it as well as I used to. I’m afraid this entire week is actually going to be a long one (maybe longer than last week?). Here’s my todo list:

  • Wednesday: Lesson Plan for Techniques needs to be done
  • Thursday: Unit Plan for Techniques due
  • Friday: Supreme Court Brief over Georgia v. Randolph due
  • That leaves my presentation on the unit plan, my Social Problems exam, the final draft of my Social Problems paper and my Military History final for the following two weeks.

    All right, my bed is much needed now, hopefully I can get a couple hours before the first class that I need to go to at 11am.