MTU’s Homecoming was this weekend, and we had our annual Hobo Parade! As always, a good bit of campus turned out in ratty clothes and beat up vehicles. I love Tech!
Category Archives: Personal
Adam and Jamie from MythBusters came to Tech and gave a talk about who they are, what they do and how they got started. They fielded questions from the audience and even gave a demonstration that involved audience members drinking beer.
After going, I love the show even more. They’re two down-to-earth guys who love what they do and say what they think.
Rock on.
The Parents Visit
This is a holiday weekend for MTU students, K-Day (Keweenaw Day), also known as Keg Day to a good portion of the student population was Friday. Partly for that reason, my parents picked this weekend to come up and visit, the other reasons if you’re wondering are boring enough that I need not commit them to a written form.
They got up on Friday night, and we had a delicious dinner at The Library, a local restaurant with their own microbrewery. The food was as good as I’ve heard that it was. We putzed around for a bit and semi-helped my brother move into an apartment with his girlfriend. He’s finally out of the dorms now too.
Saturday was a good time as well. I went out for breakfast with my dad to Soumi Restaurant. It’s next door to the Molo (Tech parlance for The Motherlode Cafe). The week before I’d had some wonderful french toast made out of nisu, so I decided to go there instead of Kaleva Cafe in Hancock.
The rest of the day involved utilizing the Kirby vacuum to clean the carpets and furniture around the house while my parents took my brother to WalMart for house supplies. Later, I took them out to Breakers and we went to the end of the breakwall.
They left early this morning.
Work is over, here come classes
Well, after a week of work hell, classes have started. I’m down to 8 hours a week at war, and that was more than I really wanted. This semester should be pretty interesting, I’ve a number of classes that I’m looking forward to.
I started my day with Historiography at 8am, followed by History of Michigan with the same prof at 9am. I don’t think I’m going to care for either of those classes much, not because of the content, but due to the teacher. Both classes had the exact same first lecture. I wanted to walk out of the second once I had my syllabus, but that isn’t the way to start a semester.
I have American Foreign Policy in about 15 minutes, I’ve had this teacher before, and it promises to be interesting. The class size is nearly 50 people, which will make it one of the larger classes I’ve had recently. I have her syllabus already, and it looks to be what I’d expect for a class by Mary Durfee, lots of reading, lots of papers and good discussion.
This afternoon I have Intro to Social Sciences (a 1000 level course that I didn’t take as I didn’t start as a SS major). Following that I have Themes in Western Civilization. I’m hoping the latter will at least be interesting. Three hours of work, and I should be home by 7:20pm.
Tomorrow, I have Archery, Rifles, Leisure Sports and Cyber-Law. At least the last should be informative.
You can see my full schedule at:
71 hours
Starting tomorrow, I have 71 hours of work in 8 days without a day off. I do get half of Tuesday off though. Resnet is about to get crazy.
I’ll make a post about Ruckus tomorrow for everyone.
Update: Work has been crazy, Ruckus update on Tuesday.