Trip home

I took a trip to see my parents over a long weekend, and had a great time. I got to spend a bunch of time with my dad helping him out on a couple of things. I also got to spend some time hanging out with a couple of really cool people from high school that I haven’t been able to. On the way back up, I got bored sitting through all the construction, so while I was waiting a prepped my camera and was able to snag a few shots like this one:

Driver's Door

Never give a bored man a camera, he’ll do stupid things.

Bonfire at Gay

A bunch of us headed out to Gay the other night (July 5) for a nice bonfire (and fireworks, but someone forgot to bring them…). Kevin and I set up our second big fire of the week, though this one wasn’t quite as impressive. We stayed out there until 12:30am and had a pretty good time.

It's hot!
Notice Kevin’s heat shield.

It ended up burning pretty well too:

Summers in the Keweenaw are amazing!

Fireworks in the Keweenaw

Last night I went to Copper Harbor (~50 minutes away by car) to watch the fireworks with a few friends, as apparently it’s pretty much the only place in the Keweenaw that does them (Lake Lindon does too). We got up there around 9pm, and wondered around until we found some friends to sit and watch them with (from a great spot too). About 10:30, a dense fog started rolling in, and by 10:45 we could only see about 50 feet away. They finally decided to start shooting them off around 11:15, and this is what we got:

Red One

It was a new experience to say the least. Eventually some of the fog was burned off, and they were able to get a few high enough so that we could actually make them out.

Dad, the fireworks in Rose City are better though. Even had I been able to see them all, the show was far shorter than back home.

La Cenerentola

I saw my first opera last night at the Calumet Theatre. It was La Cenerentola, which is a version of Cinderella. It was in Italian with surtitles above the stage. Sadly, the surtitles were not complete, but it was enough to give an overall impression of what was being said.

I thoroughly enjoyed it, and will be purchasing tickets for the other opera that will be in the area in July (the ticket to this one was a comp ticket given to me by Peter). Cinderella had a superb voice, and I was just able to feel her emotions. The prince on the other hand didn’t come across as well in my mind. In talking to my friend Kevin, who came along, I found I wasn’t alone in the assessment.

All in all though, it was a wonderful use of an evening, and I hope to be able to go to more in the future.

Swimming in the Portage

Peter, Kevin, Christian, Matthew and I went out to the beach at Chutes and Ladders tonight to cool down after the insanely hot weather today (80F). Of course, I had my camera along, so I snapped a picture of the sun setting behind Hancock.

Portage Sunset