UltraSparc 10 woes

One of my goals this weekend was to get Linux installed on one of my Ultra 10s, for use as a dedicated web server since I’ve been having a number of problems with the x86 this site is currently hosted on. After running into a problem (the installer would hang at “Booting Linux”) with an Ubuntu Dapper Drake install CD and running into the same problem trying to net-boot the machine, I decided to just go with vanilla Debian.

I grabbed a Sarge net-install CD, dropped it in and found myself confronting the following error:

Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 00:00
Press L1-A to return to the boot prom

Having found out that other people had solved this problem by putting the disks into another machine and deleting pre-existing Solaris installs, I vowed to find another way (any of you who have taken apart a U10 will understand).

I rebooted, deciding to try with a 2.4 kernel, hoping that would solve my problem. Entering linux 24 at the install prompt, I was soon greeted with the Debian Installer in all of it’s (un)glory. As much as I wanted to use Ubuntu, oh well… I’ve still got apt at least.

Over the course of this week, I’ll attempt to get everything set up to transfer my web server to the U10. Hopefully the load doesn’t eat the machine alive.

Michigan Tech Hobo Parade

Last Friday (29 Sept. 2006) was Michigan Tech’s annual Hobo Parade. Why we have a Hobo Parade to celebrate our homecoming, I’m not sure, but it does provide for some rather amusing photos. So, without further ado:

Michigan Tech Hobo Parade-2006-11

Michigan Tech Hobo Parade-2006-15

Michigan Tech Hobo Parade-2006-17

Michigan Tech Hobo Parade-2006-18

Michigan Tech Hobo Parade-2006-23

Michigan Tech Hobo Parade-2006-33

Michigan Tech Hobo Parade-2006-4

Michigan Tech Hobo Parade-2006-9

Tim, Jess and I

So Tim’s girlfriend, Jess, came up to visit this weekend. She endured 32 hours on a bus round trip to make it, so that was phenomenal of her.

She got here early Thursday morning (~6am) and immediately went to bed. (I can’t blame her, I’d been up since 5 to take Rae to the airport and then crawled back in once she got here.) Thursday afternoon we drove down to the Porkies to see the Lake of the Clouds. It was incredibly pretty and Jess was nice enough to pose a little for me.

Lake of the Clouds-2006-2

Lake of the Clouds-2006-4

Lake of the Clouds-2006-11

Lake of the Clouds-2006-14

Lake of the Clouds-2006-20

Friday wasn’t as busy, we had dinner (Japanese food) and Yuta was over (a friend of Tim’s from JCMU).


Then we headed out to Misery Bay hoping to catch the Northern Lights, but the cloud cover had other plans.


Saturday turned into a bit of a nasty day, but since Jess really wanted to see Brockway Mountain, we piled into a car and headed up to Copper Harbor. Quite a bit of the land was shrouded in fog, but it made for some cool pictures.

Foggy Brockway

On the way down, Jess wanted to stop and get her picture taken by one of the signs pointing the way to Gay (as most visitors do).


Jess is a fun girl, and Tim is lucky to have found her.