DC, Day 0

12 hours in a car is definitely too long. I headed out at 6am, swinging by Walmart on my way to pick up Whitney for some electrical tape to cover my service engine light ($500 for a new catalytic converter when I get 30 mpg?).

I hit the interstate to find that my cruise control no longer works, sometimes it will work for about 30 seconds, but usually when I hit the set button, the dash light just blinks at me.

After 11.5 hours of driving with a cramped leg through Michigan, Ohio (thanks for closing our exit and not providing detour information), Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia we attempted to make our way to Fort Myers so I could drop the car off and hit the metro. After getting lost for a few minutes, we finally made it to the base. After a few hours of visiting with family friends, we hit the metro.

I was most impressed by the DC metrorail, having never been on a subway before. It was clean, fast and felt almost like an amusement park ride after spending all day in my car.

We got checked into the hostel just fine… it was larger than I thought, probably six 10 person rooms to a floor, with 6 floors of rooms.

Overall, it should be a fun trip.

At my parent’s house

My last class was Thursday afternoon, and after 2 hours of work today, I hit the road in order to surprise my mom by coming home (I’d told her I’d see her Friday on my way back from DC). Monday morning, I head down to pick up Whitney and we’ll make our way to DC, it should take about 10-11 hours.

It’s been a while

Yeah, I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted. There hasn’t been a whole lot going on besides school lately. That’s been getting progressively more busy and I’m looking forward to the mental stillness that Spring Break will supply.

My trip to Washington DC is still on, I booked a couple of beds in a hostel for Monday-Thursday nights. We have a list of things to do and hopefully enough time to do most of them.

It turns out that I don’t have a Monday exam this year, and my Tuesday exam won’t be difficult, so… along with 4 other LUG members, I’ll be venturing down to Livonia, MI for Penguicon 4.0 April 21-23. We just need to purchase tickets and book a hotel room now.

On another note, I believe the battery in my iBook is dying. Thursday night it dropped from 40% charge to 0. Upon plugging it in, I found that it wouldn’t charge past 59%. I handed it off to Peter to test in his iBook and that may or may not have done anything. I’ve got it back in mine now waiting to see what it does. I really hope I don’t have to spend $120 on a new battery.

Reinstall progress

A few things still aren’t working, so I’m popping up a post more as a reminder to myself on what’s left and how I fixed things more than anything.


The Samba Web Administration Tool isn’t working for some reason. Whenever I attempt to connect to localhost:901 I get an error message that says:

The connection was refused when attempting to contact localhost:901

I’ve added the necessary lines to /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/services so I’m a bit confused on this one.


swat stream tcp nowait.400 root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/swat


swat 901/tcp #swat

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Yeah, I broke it.

Last night I made an attempt at upgrading my desktop/webserver from Ubuntu’s Breezy Badger release to the current development branch, Dapper. As anyone who tried to visit my website over the past 24 hours can probably figure out, it didn’t go too well.

I was able boot back into Gnome, however my machine would no longer recognize my network card. Seeing as I didn’t have the kernel sources installed, compiling a new one was out of the question and I decided it would be quicker to reinstall than to fix whatever was broken. Unfortunately, I failed to get a listing of all the packages I had installed so I’ve had to piece things back together.

So, after a fresh Breezy install and most of tonight reconfiguring things, I have my computer most of the way back to normal. We’ll see how much I’ve forgotten in the coming days.