Busy, Busy

Since I got home Sunday night, I’ve had a pretty busy week.

  • Monday: Found out that the Resnet office would be moving to a smaller office.
  • Tuesday: Packed the office and threw stuff that we didn’t need/wouldn’t fit away.
  • Wednesday: Moved the office, ran cables, partially unpack.
  • Thursday: Catch up on work, try to get things ready for the coming craziness of Orientation Week.
  • Friday: Work on the training manual, man the phones and answer email. Friday night at home involved vacuuming the house, sweeping and scrubbing the kitchen.
  • Saturday: Clean both bathrooms (disgusting!) and Kim’s fishtank. I hear rumour of a bonfire out at Gay beach tonight.
  • Tomorrow will dawm upon me while I’m sitting at the MUB waiting to pick Kim up. Apparently the MUB is the new bus stop for Houghton. I’ll help her move in and then, well… maybe I can try to relax for an afternoon.

    It’s been busy, but maybe I’ll make it.

    Home again

    Well, I’m home again. I had a great time this weekend. Happy birthday again to my dad, he turned 51 Saturday!

    Friday was pretty good, I played putt-putt for the first time in what has to be at least 6 years. I’m afraid that my score looked frighteningly similar to my bowling score (89). I also went to the Neil Diamond concert, which wasn’t as bad as I feared; it still is not my type of music though. Dad enjoyed it a lot though, and that’s what matters. Also, an old aquantaince has become a new friend, and that’s always nice.

    I shot my dad’s Magnum .44 a few times on Saturday, I didn’t hit anything (I’d never fired a handgun before), but it was fun. We also spent a bit of time just hanging out and watching movies.

    Now, I’m back in Houghton looking forward to a long week of work getting ready for the upcoming school year. Today saw the first freshman parent enter my office trying to sort things out for his son. It looks like Wads is going to be fun again this year. I really wish that we had a better way to handle which side of the room student’s connections are put on. Also, East Wads isn’t back up from the renovation yet, hopefully it gets done before orientation week.

    Future plans:

  • What to do this weekend, the last free one I have for a while?
  • Seether concert in Escanaba on the 19th?
  • Home

    Well, I’m back in Rose City, MI for the weekend. My dad’s birthday is Saturday so here I am. Tonight we’re going to a Neil Diamond concert, I don’t know how fun that’s going to be, but I think my parents will enjoy it.

    Today, putt-putt golf (for the first time in at least 6 years), picking up my car and Neil Diamond. Tomorrow, ???.
    Sunday, drive back to Houghton.
    Monday, Profit.

    Mall of America

    This weekend Kevin and I drove to his house near the Minnesota border and we took a trip to the Mall of America. Let me tell you, this place is mind-boggling huge. It’s so big that it even has repeats of some of the major chains. It’s ridiculous.

    Mall of America

    The mall is so huge that it even has a theme park on the inside. The rides aren’t that great, but there’s only so much you can do in an enclosed place.

    There was even a LegoLand there, let me tell you, I have a new dreamjob.

    Other than that, not a whole lot to tell about the weekend, lots of driving, lots of relaxing.

    For an update on my life in the job realm, read this.

    Weekend Project – Bar Fishtank

    This weekend, a few of my housemates and I undertook a project to install a fishtank into the bar in our kitchen. The hole was already there, so it was pretty much a process that consisted of:

  • Clean the fishtank.
  • Plug the hole in the bottom.
  • Fill the tank.
  • Go fish shopping and realize we should get a heater.
  • Realize that we should put some sealant around the plug.
  • Empty fishtank and seal.
  • Put in gravel and fill with water again.
  • Play Smash Bros.
  • We don’t have any fish in there yet, the water was far too cold and was only up to 65F this morning. We’re planning on going shopping this weekend after payday. We’re still not sure what we want to put inside.

    Here’s a picture taken next to the pool table. You can find more pictures here. (That page will be updated as we put the fish in and periodically thereafter.)

    Fish Tank in the Bar