Category Archives: Photography
Summer Trip 2008 – Grand Teton National Park pictures
Summer 2008 trip – Utah Pictures
Summer 2008 Trip – South Dakota Pictures
Kevin and I right inside Badlands National Park
A lone bison wondering away from the herd
Plants grow even in this forbidding landscape
Bighorn sheep standing atop a ridge
Minuteman Missile National Monument
Security Forces response vehicle
South Dakota Air and Space Museum
Minuteman II missile in its silo
Minuteman II missile transport vehicle
Mount Rushmore
Kevin and I at Mount Rushmore – apparently I can’t keep my eyes open
Jewel Cave
Jewel Cave is perhaps one of the most difficult shooting locations I’ve ever been to. It is DARK down there, even with the lights the National Park Service has installed.
Needles highway
I’m a horrible blogger…
Yes, I know that it’s been three months since I last blogged. I figured most of you didn’t care to know the details of student teaching. Good news is, I finish up in two more weeks. The bad news: I still don’t have a job confirmed after graduation. One thing at a time I suppose.
The sports seasons at Michigan Tech are pretty well wrapped up now, so I’m starting to get back into more non-sports photography. Sunday I headed down to the Lower Peninsula and came home with this photo: