
Classes have started again, and I’m enjoying myself. Broomball is probably my favorite class, though it has left me in a lot of pain. Speech won’t be as bad as I feared and though it is pushing me, I think my class on techniques for teaching math will be quite interesting.

Military History of the U.S. will be interesting, it’s with my favorite SS department member and I think I’ll become pretty good friends with one of the SS majors in there. Social Problems will probably prove to be entertaining, I’ve heard the professor loves to offend everyone equally.

The rest of my classes aren’t really worth talking about I suppose.

CAEL should be an interesting semester. We’re going to visit area high schools and attempt to recruit some new Partners. In addition to that, we’re going to be working on completely rewriting the training manual and putting together 2 other manuals, one for the Senior Partners and one on editing the manual. Luckily, I’m only helping with those and not in charge of them.

All in all, it looks like it should be a good semester. And for those of you who constantly ask, there’s no girlfriend yet, but I have a couple interests that probably won’t pan out.

Site Downtime

Sorry to everyone about the recent downtime. Friday, my housemate that owned the router moved out, so there was significant downtime that day.  Yesterday and today have seen a few problems with the hardware that was used to replace the router (we’re now running off a commodity Motorola router).  My housemate that administers the network is looking around for a better option, but until then, there will probably be times when the site is unavailable.

New Common Area

As promised, here are a few pictures of the former pool area.

This is from the kitchen, looking past the bar:

Common Area
From the common area, looking into the bar (Kevin is at the SunRay):

Bar area

Back in Town

Well, I’m back in Houghton. I got back Saturday, left straight from my cousin Yena’s wedding and drove back up, I almost beat my personal best of 6 hours and 2 minutes… only 17 minutes too slow. I celebrated New Years with Kevin, Megan, Phill and Phill’s friend April.

My one week Christmas vacation was pretty good. I drove home on the 23rd and discovered that my parents’ dryer and refrigerator were both broken… the fridge was fixed the day before I left. I finished my shopping up on the 24th with a trip to Saginaw. We did the traditional thing on Christmas, everyone waiting in the living room for my mom to get ready. My brother brought his girlfriend down and we had Christmas dinner.

I spent the following week running around with my head cut off: braving the Best Buy return line on the 26th (45 minutes), optometrist visit, doctor visit (I have an ear infection), power steering fixed, airbag fixed the next day and a wedding the morning I left. It’s funny how my vacations end up being busier than my average week. I think this week I’ll end up at another optometrists office (this one in Houghton, so I can get contacts) and my chiropractor’s office. I have four days of antibotics left and my ear is feeling a lot better.

We’ve done a bit of rearranging around the house. The pool table is now in what was the living room, the couches are in what was the pool room and we have a sheet up on a wall (probably permanently) that we’ve set up for a projector. There’s actually room to play pool now and we have a cozy common area as well. I think I’ll try to find a lamp to brighten the room up though… the one light that is in there doesn’t do much, even with the overflow lighting from the bar. I’ll take a couple pictures and put them up later tonight.

Death of a Thumbdrive

Well, my Sandisk mini Cruzer gave up the ghost last night. Not a bad drive though, and I’ll probably get another one someday. It lasted me a year (which seems to be a little over par for me) and it went through the washer and dryer a couple of times. I tried using it yesterday though and couldn’t get any OS to enumerate the drive, so it was more than simply a bad partition.

After verifying that neither Linux, OS X or Windows was going to verify the drive, I promptly took it apart and beat the flash chip into 4 pieces. Gotta keep that data secure since it had my private keys on it.

I still haven’t decided whether or not I’m going to buy a new one right now. I don’t honestly use it that much… I generally just stick to scp and transfer things like that back and forth. I’ll probably end up getting one after the first time I need it though… we’ll see.