Time for school to start again

I got my day off, and classes started today. It was an enjoyable day… starting with hashbrowns, bacon and eggs. A trip to Walmart and a search for a tripod later, I was off to Baltic to photograph some industrial ruins with my friend Kevin. I’ll post pictures once I find time to go through all of them.

I’ve been to my first class, Environmental Policy and Politics, and I think it will be fun. I’m not too interested in the 20 page term paper, and there will be a ton of notes, but overall, I think it will be good for me. Last semester I had a really hard time motivating myself; I think I’ll do better this year.

I’ve given myself Friday night and one day on the weekend to enjoy myself, most likely I’ll be going out and doing photography then. I’ve cut down my time at work and I only have group on campus that I have to be responsible in, so that will save a couple hours a week too. My Monday, Wedneday and Friday schedules are rather light, so I’m going to try and get homework done those days as well. If I can stick to it, I don’t think I’ll have a problem with my 17 credits.

I’ve been home to sleep

That’s about the only time I’ve seen my apartment this past week. Work has been insane, 72 hours last week and more than 60 last week. Oh well, it will be a nice paycheck at least.

School starts on Tuesday, thank goodness it’s only a 3 day week though, so I’ll have time to recover before classes get too difficult.

I managed to snap a few pictures these past couple weeks at somepoint, I’m not sure how I found the time:

Sunset - 28 August 20062006-1

Houghton - 23 August 20062006-2

Are you ready for this jelly?

School is over for the summer, and now working is ramping up. My parents came up to visit this past weekend, and we headed out to Hungarian Falls, Brockway Mountain, Eagle Harbor and Quincy Mine. We had a good time and I got a lot of great photos, I’ll post them up once I’m done editing them.

Tim made it up last weekend too. We got him moved into Rae’s room until Saturday, when Ox will be back in the dorms. He’s getting back into the groove at work, and is taking some of my workload, so that’s a big relief. Things are starting to heat up though, and after this weekend, I expect my next day off to be Labor Day.

This morning I pretty much sliced the tip of my left finger above the thumbnail off at work. So, I drove to the ER, got a couple stitches and went back to finish off my 11 hour work day. The skin may or may not have to come off, right now it’s in place acting as a bandage at the very least. We’ll see how that turns out.